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Preface to the English Edition
Introduction: The Art of Raccomandazione
Chapter 1. The Ethnographic Setting
Chapter 2. Patronage/Clientelism: Some Theoretical Considerations
Chapter 3. Toward a Poetics of Patronage
Chapter 4. Raccomandazione, Tangente and Mafia: An “Amoral” Family of Genres
Chapter 5. Raccomandazione, Class Relations and the Southern Question
Chapter 6. Employing the ‘Little Shove’: Raccomandazione and Work
Chapter 7. “We’re not Uganda, but Almost”: Raccomandazione and Southern Italian Identity
Conclusion: Raccomandazione and the Bourgeois-Liberal World Order
Epilogue: What Happened When They Read What I Wrote: Mediterranean Clientelism and Corruption Revisited
Clientelism and Connections in Italy
Dorothy Louise Zinn
Translated from the Italian
278 pages, 4 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78920-197-0 Hb Published (March 2019)
eISBN 978-1-78920-198-7 eBook