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Introduction: In Pursuit of a Critical Public Archaeology
V. Camille Westmont
Part I: Work with Communities
Chapter 1. Aiming for Anti-Racism: Policies and Practices of a Publicly Engaged Archaeology Department
Mary Furlong Minkoff, Terry P. Brock, and Matthew B. Reeves
Chapter 2. Legacies of Shame, Legacies of Hope: Community Archaeology at a World War II Japanese American Internment Camp
Jeffery Burton and Mary M. Farrell
Chapter 3. Archaeology as Performance: Reanimating the Portland Wharf Landscape with Critical Public Archaeology
M. Jay Stottman
Part II: Advancing Methods
Chapter 4. Towards a Critical Archaeological Museum
Monika Stobiecka
Chapter 5. “You can’t replant old trees”: The Combined Approach of Memory and Public Archaeology to Reinvestigate Court Housing in Liverpool, UK
Kerry Massheder-Rigby
Chapter 6. Archaeological Narratives as Critical Public Archaeology: Illuminating the Realities of Past and Present Forced Prison Labor through Story
V. Camille Westmont
Chapter 7. Expanding Critical Archaeology in the Digital Age: Building User Interfaces and Sharing the Assemblages of Archaeology in Annapolis Across the Globe
Adam Fracchia
Part III: Situating Critical Archaeology
Chapter 8. Public Archaeology through the Lens of Historiography
Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen
Chapter 9. Public perceptions of archaeology in the museum
Chiara Zuanni
Conclusion: Critical Public Archaeology in Context
Suzie Thomas
Critical Public Archaeology
Confronting Social Challenges in the 21st Century
Edited by V. Camille Westmont
280 pages, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80073-615-3 Hb Published (September 2022)
eISBN 978-1-80539-916-2 eBook