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Part I: Modernity, Discord, Compliance

Chapter 1. Change and “Face” in Modern Iran (2006)
Chapter 2. Modernity and Early Marriage in Iran: A View from Within (2006)
Chapter 3. The Four Faces of Iranian Fatherhood (2014)

Part II: Population, Reproduction, Politics

Chapter 4. “And Never the Twain Shall Meet”: Reproductive Health Policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004)
Chapter 5. “As List E Karhayee Ke Bayad Anjame Midadam Khat Khord”: Contemporary Reproductive Body Politic in Iran (2020)
Chapter 6. “The Only Thing [the State is] Good at is Intruding in People’s Beds”: Citizens as Tools of Reproduction

Part III: Kinship, Family, Gender

Chapter 7. The “Down Side” of Gamete Donation: Challenging “Happy Family” Rhetoric in Iran (2012)
Chapter 8. Gender and Reproductive Technologies in Shia Iran (2014)
Chapter 9. Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Making and Unmaking of Kin in Iran: Transformation or Variation on a Theme? (2018)

Part IV: Fertility, Religion, Technology

Chapter 10. Law, Ethics, and Donor Technologies in Shia Iran (2009)
Chapter 11. Conceiving IVF in Iran (2016)
Chapter 12. Third-Party Gamete Donation, Anonymity, and the Conundrum of Lineage



Inconceivable Iran

To Reproduce or Not to Reproduce?

Soraya Tremayne

324 pages, 5 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-671-9 Hb Published (October 2022)

eISBN 978-1-80073-672-6 eBook