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Introduction: Regimes of Responsibility in Africa: Genealogies, Rationalities and Conflicts
Benjamin Rubbers and Alessandro Jedlowski
Chapter 1. Historical Regimes of Responsibility in ‘The Politics of the Belly’
Jean-François Bayart
Chapter 2. The Use(fulness) of Discourses of 'Responsibility' on the DRC's ‘Sovereign Frontier’
Stylianos Moshonas
Chapter 3. High Officials’ Responsibility and State Accountability in the Age of Neoliberal Discharge: Views from Mozambique
Rozenn Nakanabo Diallo
Chapter 4. Reproduction, Responsibility and Citizenship in Côte d’Ivoire
Armando Cutolo and Giulia Almagioni
Chapter 5. Human Care or Human Capital: Corporate Responsibility and HIV Management at South Africa’s Mines
Dinah Rajak
Chapter 6. For What Are Persons With Disabilities Responsible? The Study of Public, Social and Family Responsibilities in the Context of Locomotor Disability (Cape Flats, South Africa)
Marie Schnitzler
Chapter 7. Diverting Makila Mabe: Understanding Responsibility in Kinshasa’s Pentecostal Worlds
Katrien Pype
Chapter 8. The (Ir)Responsible Witch: Ambiguities among the Maka of Southeast Cameroon
Peter Geschiere
Chapter 9. The ‘Return of Culture’: Spiritual Threats, Asylum Policies and the Responsibility of Anthropological Knowledge
Roberto Beneduce
Regimes of Responsibility in Africa
Genealogies, Rationalities and Conflicts
Edited by Benjamin Rubbers and Alessandro Jedlowski
256 pages, 2 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78920-359-2 Hb Published (October 2019)
eISBN 978-1-78920-360-8 eBook