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List of Illustrations
Part I
Chapter 1. Cosmopolitan Anthropology: A Moral Vision of Human Being and Individual Love
Part II
Chapter 2. At Home in the Integument of the Body: Perceiving beyond Language and Culture
Chapter 3. Being Inspired to Practise an Acultural Ethical Relationality: Testifying
Chapter 4. Tracing the Density of Human Being and Loving the Invisible, Silent Other
Chapter 5. ‘Jews Belong to Eternity’: Attending Selflessly to the Dimension of Homeless Humankind
Conclusion: Another Phenomenology: Ego and Other Always and Already Conjoined in Creation
‘I am Here’, Abraham Said
Emmanuel Levinas and Anthropological Science
Nigel Rapport
208 pages, 3 ills., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80539-470-9 Hb Published (April 2024)
eISBN 978-1-80539-471-6 eBook