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Chapter 1. The Historical Foundations of German–Polish Relations I: From the Beginnings to the First World War
Chapter 2. The Historical Foundations of German–Polish Relations II: From the First World War to the Present
Chapter 3. National and Regional Identities in Germany and Poland
Chapter 4. Polish Minorities in Germany: The 120% Deutsche
Chapter 5. Regions in Poland I: Ziemia Lubuska – Forgotten by Germany?
Chapter 6. Administrative Reform, Cross-Border Relations and Regional Identity in Western Poland and Eastern Germany
Chapter 7. Regions in Poland II: Silesia – German, Polish, or Wasserpolnisch?
Chapter 8. Updates, 2010, 2014
White Eagle, Black Eagle
Ethnic Relations in the German-Polish Borderlands
Robert Parkin
192 pages, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80539-002-2 Hb Published (June 2023)
eISBN 978-1-80539-003-9 eBook