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Chapter 1. Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives Gained From Studying Up
Chapter 2. Barriers to Thinking New about Energy
Chapter 3. The Vertical Slice: Child-Rearing and Children
Chapter 4. A User Theory of Law: Fourth Annual Alfred P. Murrah Lecture
Chapter 5. The Subordination Of Women In Comparative Perspective
Chapter 6. The ADR Explosion: Implications of Rhetoric in the Legal Reform
Chapter 7. Post-Interpretive Anthropology
Chapter 8. Orientalism, Occidentalism, and the Control of Women
Chapter 9. From Legal Process to Mind Processing
Chapter 10. Civilization and its Negotiations
Chapter 11. Coercive Harmony: The Political Economy of Legal Models
Chapter 12. The Three-Cornered Constellation: Magic, Science, and Religion Revisited
Chapter 13. The Phantom Factor: Impact of the Cold War on Anthropology
Chapter 14. Postscript on the Phantom Factor: More Ethnography of Anthropology
Chapter 15. Controlling Processes: Tracing the Dynamic Components of Power
Chapter 16. Pushing the Limits: Eclecticism on Purpose
Chapter 17. In a Woman’s Looking Glass: Normative Blindness and Unresolved Human Rights Issues
Chapter 18. Crime as a Category
Chapter 19. Breaking the Silence: Politics and Professional Autonomy
Chapter 20. Iraq and Democracy
Chapter 21. Law and the Theory of Lack: The 2005 Rudolph B. Schlesinger Lecture on International and Comparative Law
Chapter 22. Promise or Plunder? A Past and Future Look at Law and Development
Chapter 23. What the Rest Think of the West: Legal Dimensions
Chapter 24. The Words We Use: Justice, Human Rights and the Sense of Injustice
Chapter 25. Vengeance, Barbarism, and Osama Bin Laden: Full Circle
Chapter 26. Three Jihads—Islamic, Christian, and Jewish
Chapter 27. The Anthropologist, the State, the Empire and the “Tribe:” New Dimensions from Akbar Ahmed’s The Thistle and the Drone: How America’s War on Terror Became a Global War on Tribal Islam. (Brookings Institution Press, 2013)
Chapter 28. Whose Comparative Law? A Global Perspective
Contrarian Anthropology
The Unwritten Rules of Academia
Laura Nader
504 pages, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-706-2 Hb Published (January 2018)
ISBN 978-1-78533-708-6 Pb Published (January 2018)
eISBN 978-1-78533-707-9 eBook