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Introduction: Tax Beyond the Social Contract
Nicolette Makovicky and Robin Smith
Chapter 1. Taxes for Independence: Rejecting a Fiscal Model of Reciprocity in Peri-urban Bolivia
Miranda Sheild Johansson
Chapter 2. God's Delivery State: Taxes, Tithes, and a Rightful Return in Urban Ghana
Anna-Riikka Kauppinen
Chapter 3. The Fiscal Commons: Tax Evasion, the State, and Commoning in a Catalonian Cooperative
Vinzenz Bäumer Escobar
Chapter 4. Contesting the Social Contract: Tax Reform and Economic Governance in Istria, Croatia
Robin Smith
Chapter 5. Into and Out of Citizenship, through Personal Tax Payments: Romanian Migrants’ Leveraging of British Self-Employment
Dora-Olivia Vicol
Chapter 6. The Worth of the ‘While’: Time and Taxes in a Finnish Timebank
Matti Eräsaari
Afterword: Putting Together the Anthropology of Tax and the Anthropology of Ethics
Soumhya Venkatesan
Beyond the Social Contract
An Anthropology of Tax
Edited by Nicolette Makovicky and Robin Smith
163 pages, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80539-040-4 Hb Published (August 2023)