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Chapter 1. Cigongwe
- Towards the village
- Meeting with the village
- Fieldwork
- The route of the research
Chapter 2. The Gogo Women
- The living space
- The house
- Nyumba: physical-residential unit, social-residential unit
- The Gogo woman
Chapter 3. Breast Feeding
- Breast feeding between nature and culture
- The modalities of breast feeding
- Breast milk
- ‘Bad milk’ in only one breast
Chapter 4. The ‘Good Mother’, the ‘Bad Mother’: Diarrhoea as a Sign of Social Disorder
- Inside the problem
- Motherhood and mothering
- The health of the newborn: a challenge to survival
- Post-partum taboos
Chapter 5. Maternal Milk: Indicator of ‘Good Mother’
- Breast feeding: a bridge between the different levels of the Gogo social system
- The woman: mother and nurturer
- A brief return to the village
Breast Feeding and Sexuality
Behaviour, Beliefs and Taboos among the Gogo Mothers in Tanzania
Mara Mabilia
Translated from the Italian by Mary S. Ash
176 pages, 4 tables, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-57181-677-1 Hb Published (June 2005)
eISBN 978-1-78238-607-0 eBook