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Kristín Loftsdóttir, Andrea L. Smith, and Brigitte Hipfl

Chapter 1. Wise Viking Daughters: Equality and Whiteness in Economic Crisis
Kristín Loftsdóttir and Helga Björnsdóttir

Chapter 2. “Latvians do not understand the Greek people”: Europeanness and Complicit Becoming in the Midst of Financial Crisis
Dace Dzenovska

Chapter 3. Fairness and Entitlement in Neoliberal England, 2005-2015
Steve Garner

Chapter 4. Debating Refugee Deservingness in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland
Shay Cannedy

Chapter 5. What is a Life? On Poverty and Race in Humanitarian Italy
Andrea Muehlebach

Chapter 6. Policing Crisis in Austrian Crime Fiction
Brigitte Hipfl

Chapter 7. Crisis France: Covert Racialization and the Gens du Voyage
Andrea L. Smith

Chapter 8. Navigating the Mediterranean Refugee “Crisis”: Alter-Globalization Activism and the Sediments of History on Lampedusa
Antonio Sorge

Epilogue: Declining Europe
Thomas Hylland Eriksen


Messy Europe

Crisis, Race, and Nation-State in a Postcolonial World

Edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, Andrea L. Smith, and Brigitte Hipfl

254 pages, 6 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78533-796-3 Hb Published (February 2018)

eISBN 978-1-78533-797-0 eBook