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List of Illustrations, Figures, Maps and Tables


Part I: The History of the IDP Regime

Chapter 1. The Origins of the Internal Displacement Regime (1930–1950): The Genesis of Refugee Politics
Chapter 2. The Emergence of the Internal Displacement Crisis (1980–2010): The Role of UNHCR
Chapter 3. The Evolution of IDP Truths: (Re)Creating Knowledge, Numbers, Labels and Sovereignty
Chapter 4. The Construction of IDP Norms: Duplicating and Diluting the 1951 Refugee Convention

Part II: The Structure of the IDP Regime

Chapter 5. The Nature, Logic and Effects of the IDP Regime: Discursive Reproductions of Power, Privilege and Paternalism

Part III: The Impact of the IDP Regime

Chapter 6. Uganda and the IDP Regime: The Political Economy of War and Displacement
Chapter 7. The IDP Regime and Camp as Heterotopia: Space, Discourse and Power
Chapter 8. The IDP Regime: Clustering Power and Converging Interests in IDP Camps
Chapter 9. The IDP Regime in Overlapping Vicious Cycles: Hiding the Suffering and Death of People in Plain View

Conclusion: Rethinking Internal Displacement


Rethinking Internal Displacement

Geo-political Games, Fragile States and the Relief Industry

Frederick Laker

298 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-164-6 Hb Published (November 2021)

eISBN 978-1-80073-165-3 eBook