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Introduction: Mimetic Governmentality, Colonialism, and the State
Patrice Ladwig and Ricardo Roque

Chapter 1. Dances with Heads: Parasitic Mimesis and the Government of Savagery in Colonial East Timor
Ricardo Roque

Chapter 2. Variants of Frontier Mimesis: Colonial Encounter and Intercultural Interaction in the Lao Vietnamese Uplands
Oliver Tappe

Chapter 3. The Hut-Hospital as Project and as Practice: Mimeses, Alterities, and Colonial Hierarchies
Cristiana Bastos

Chapter 4. Imitations of Buddhist Statecraft: The Patronage of Lao Buddhism and the Reconstruction of Relic Shrines and Temples in Colonial French Indochina
Patrice Ladwig

Chapter 5. Colonial Mimesis and Animal Breeding: Karakul Sheep in Southwestern Angola
Tiago Saraiva

Chapter 6. The Colonial State and Carnival: The Complexity and Ambiguity of Carnival in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
Christoph Kohl

Chapter 7. Mimetic Primitivism: Notes on the Conceptual History of Mimesis
Patrice Ladwig

Postscript: The Risks and Failures of Imitation
Patrice Ladwig and Ricardo Roque

States of Imitation

Mimetic Governmentality and Colonial Rule

Edited by Patrice Ladwig and Ricardo Roque

150 pages, 13 illus., bibliog.,index

ISBN  978-1-78920-737-8 Hb Published (June 2020)

eISBN 978-1-78920-739-2 eBook