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List of Illustrations, Figures and Tables
Philip Kreager and Astrid Bochow
Chapter 1. The Key to Fertility: Generation, Reproduction and Class Formation in a Namibian Community
Julia Pauli
Chapter 2. Becoming and Belonging in African Historical Demography, 1900-2000
Sarah Walters
This chapter is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY) thanks to the support of the Wellcome Trust.
Chapter 3. Between the Central Laws of Moscow and Local Particularity: The Reproduction of Subgroups in the South of Tajikistan
Sophie Roche and Sophie Hohmann
Chapter 4. Feeling Secure to Reproduce: Economy, Community and Fertility in Southern Europe
Patrick Heady
Chapter 5. Ambivalent Men: Male Dilemmas and Fertility Control in Senegal
Sara Randall, Nathalie Mondain, and Alioune Diagne
Chapter 6. Accounting for Reproductive Difference: Sociality, Temporality and Individuality during Pregnancy in Cameroon
Erica van der Sijpt
Chapter 7. Understanding Childlessness in Botswana: Reproduction and Tswana-nization of Middle-Class Identities in the Twenty-First Century
Astrid Bochow
Chapter 8. Low Fertility and Secret Family Planning in Lesotho
Lena L. Kroeker
Chapter 9. ‘The Doctor’s Way’: Traditional Contraception and Modernity in Cambodia
Eleanor Hukin
Chapter 10. Demographers on Culture: Fertility, Nuptiality, Family Structures
Yves Charbit and Véronique Petit
Chapter 11. Vital Conjunctures Revisited
Jennifer A. Johnson-Hanks
Fertility, Conjuncture, Difference
Anthropological Approaches to the Heterogeneity of Modern Fertility Declines
Edited by Philip Kreager and Astrid Bochow
358 pages, 1 illus., 22 figures, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-604-1 Hb Published (September 2017)
eISBN 978-1-78533-605-8 eBook