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Introduction: Spatiality, Movement and Place-Making

Maruška Svašek and Milena Komarova

Chapter 1. Growing up with the Troubles: Reading and Negotiating Space  
Angela Stephanie Mazzeti

Chapter 2. Crafting Identities: Prison Artefacts and Place-Making in Pre- and Post-ceasefire Northern Ireland
Erin Hinson

Chapter 3. ‘Recalling or Suggesting Phantoms’: Walking in Belfast
Elizabeth DeYoung

Chapter 4. ‘Women on the Peace Line’: Challenging Divisions through the Space of Friendship
Andrea García González

Chapter 5. ‘You Have No Legitimate Reason to Access’: Visibility and Movement in Contested Urban Space
Milena Komarova

Chapter 6. ‘Lifting the Cross’ in West Belfast: Enskilling Crucicentric Vision Through Pedestrian Spatial Practice
Kayla Rush

Chapter 7. Engaging amid Divisions: Social Media as a Space for Political Intervention and Interactions in Northern Ireland
Augusto H. Gazir M. Soares

Chapter 8. Belfast’s Festival of Fools: Sharing Space through Laughter
Nick McCafferty

Chapter 9. Criss-crossing Pathways: The Indian Community Centre as a Focus of Diasporic and Cross-Community Place-Making
Maruška Svašek

Chapter 10. Sushi or Spuds? Japanese Migrant Women and Practices of Emplacement in Northern Ireland
Naoko Maehara

Chapter 11. Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Belfast: Finding ‘Home’ through Space and Time
Malcolm Franklin

Afterword: Cupar Way or Cupar Street – Integration and Division around a Belfast Wall
Dominic Bryan


Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space

Place-Making in the New Northern Ireland

Edited by Milena Komarova and Maruška Svašek
Afterword by Dominic Bryan

310 pages, 46 illus., blbliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78533-937-0 Hb Published (July 2018)

eISBN 978-1-78533-938-7 eBook