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List of Maps and Figures
- Creole Identity and Postcolonial Diversity
- Ethnic versus Transethnic Identity
- National Identity in the Context of Ethnic and Transethnic References
- The City as Locus and Focus
- Categories of Identification and Social Discourses as Objects of Observation and Analysis
- Notes on Field Research
Chapter 1. Creole Identity in Postcolonial Context
- Creole Terminology at the Conceptual Crossroads of History and Ideology
- Creolization and Creole Identity Beyond the Caribbean
- Towards a Comparative Concept of Creole Identity
- Indigenization and Ethnogenesis as Criteria of Creolization
- Creoleness versus (Post-)creole Continuum
- The CvP Model: Creolization versus Pidginization
- The Pidgin Potential of Creole Identity for Postcolonial Nation-building
- Creole Ambivalences
Chapter 2. Jakarta, Batavia, Betawi
- Cityscape and City Dwellers
- Historical Beginnings: Sunda Kelapa, Jayakarta, Batavia
- Social Organization and Interethnic Relationships in Batavia
- Creolization and the Emergence of the Betawi
- Social Marginalization of the Betawi
- The (Re-)discovery of the Betawi: Objectives and Context of State Sponsorship
Chapter 3. Orang Betawi versus Orang Jakarta
- Discourses, Definitions, Dichotomies
- Betawi (asli) versus pendatang
- Betawi versus Betawi Asli: Ethnic References with and without ‘Asli’
- Betawi as Jakarta Asli
- The Pidgin Potential of Betawi Culture and Identity
- Orang Jakarta as a Category of Urban Identification
- Creolization of Jakartan Identity?
- Tradition and Modernity in the Relationship between Orang Betawi and Orang Jakarta … and a Miss and Mister Jakarta Pageant
Chapter 4. Suku bangsa Betawi: Integration and Differentiation of Ethnic Identity
- The Inner and Outer circle of the Betawi
- Betawi Kota: the (Political) Spearhead of the Betawi
- Betawi Pinggir: the Guardians of ‘True Islam’
- Betawi Udik: the Guardians of ‘True Tradition’
- Betawi Kota, Pinggir and Udik: Integration through Differentiation and Diversification from Within
- The Arabic Dimension of Betawi-ness
- Tugu: Exotics of Enclave?
- Kampung Sawah: The (Christian) Betawi in the Paddy Field
- Bangsawan Betawi: About the Invention of a Betawi Aristocracy
- Batak Going Betawi, Or: What Is a Batak Betawi?
Chapter 5. Betawi versus Peranakan (Chinese)
- Conceptual Disentanglement
- Cina Benteng: the First Peranakan
- Between Privilege and Expulsion: The Chinese in Batavia and Early Postcolonial Jakarta
- The Repression of the Chinese during the Suharto Era
- Recent Developments: ‘Free the Dragon’ versus ‘Be(com)ing Betawi’
- The Betawi’s Appetite for Incorporation
Chapter 6. Orang Betawi versus Orang Indonesia: On the Connection between Ethnic Diversity and National Unity
- Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as Core Principles of National Identity
- The Betawi as a Representation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: On the Meaning of ‘Diversity of Origin’ for ‘Unity in Diversity’
- National Meanings of Betawi Indigeneity
- Betawi-ization versus Javanization of the National Centre
- Betawi contraorang kompeni: Postcolonial Constructions of Anticolonial Heroism
- Orang Betawi and Orang Indonesia as Interconnected Categories of Identification
Chapter 7. Betawi Politics of Identity and Difference
- Betawi Goes Politics: The First ‘Betawi untuk Gubernur’ Campaign
- Indigeneity in the Production of Authenticity and Commitment
- Creole Identity in the Production of Commonalities
- Islam In and Out of Politics
- Jakarta between National and Local Representation
- Social Margins Going Ethno-politics
- Betawi as a Social Class and as Urban Identification
Conclusion: Towards an Open End
Creole Identity in Postcolonial Indonesia
Jacqueline Knörr
236 pages, 15 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78238-268-3 Hb Published (March 2014)
eISBN 978-1-78238-269-0 eBook