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List of Illustrations
Chris Hann
Introduction: Precarity, Class, and the Neoliberal Subject
Jonathan Parry
Chapter 1. Varieties of Capital, Fracture of Labor: A Comparative Ethnography of Subcontracting and Labor Precarity on the Zambian Copperbelt
Ching Kwan Lee
Chapter 2. Miners and Their Children: The Remaking of the Soviet Working Class in Kazakhstan
Eeva Kesküla
Chapter 3. Work, Precarity and Resistance: Company and Contract Labor in Kazakhstan’s Former Soviet Steel Town
Tommaso Trevisani
Chapter 4. Regular Work in Decline, Precarious Households and Changing Solidarities in Bulgaria
Dimitra Kofti
Chapter 5. Precarious Labor and Precarious Livelihoods in an Indian Company Town
Christian Strümpell
Chapter 6. Regimes of Precarity: Buruh, Karyawan, and the Politics of Labor Identity in Indonesia
Daromir Rudnyckyj
Chapter 7. Between God and the State: Class, Precarity, and Cosmology on the Margins of an Egyptian Steel Town
Dina Makram-Ebeid
Chapter 8. The (Un-)Making of Labor: Capitalist Accelerations and Their Human Toll at a South Korean Shipyard in the Philippines
Elisabeth Schober
Chapter 9. Relative Precarity: Decline, Hope and the Politics of Work
Andrew Sanchez
Chapter 10. From Avtoritet and Autonomy to Self-exploitation in the Russian Automotive Industry
Jeremy Morris and Sarah Hinz
Chapter 11. Precarity, Guanxi, and the Informal Economy of Peasant Workers in Contemporary China
I-Chieh Fang
Chapter 12. From Dispossessed Factory Workers to “Micro-entrepreneurs”: The Precariousness of Employment in Trinidad’s Garment Sector
Rebecca Prentice
Chapter 13. Towards a Political Economy of Skill and Garment Work: The Case of the Tiruppur Industrial Cluster in South India
Grace Carswell and Geert De Neve
Chapter 14. From Casual to Permanent Work: Maoist Unionists and the Regularization of Contract Labor in the Industries of Western Nepal
Michael Peter Hoffmann
Afterword: Third Wave Marketization
Michael Burawoy
Industrial Labor on the Margins of Capitalism
Precarity, Class, and the Neoliberal Subject
Edited by Chris Hann and Jonathan Parry
Afterword by Michael Burawoy
384 pages, 9 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-678-2 Hb Published (March 2018)
eISBN 978-1-78533-679-9 eBook