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List of Figures, Ilustrations, Tables and Maps

Anne Goletz and Ernst Halbmayer

Part I. Creation and the Original Conditions of Being

Chapter 1. Creation, Creativity, and the Times of Origin: The Multiplicity of Transformative and Transcreational Processes in Amazonia and the Isthmo-Colombian Area
Ernst Halbmayer

Chapter 2. The Maize Bringer’sCreative Potentials: How People and Maize Co-actively Ensure the Continuous Existence of Maize in the Yukpa Territory of Sokorpa, Northern Colombia
Anne Goletz

Chapter 3. What Does it Take to Be a Singer? Ritual and Creativity among the Pume People of Venezuela
Silvana Saturno

Part II. Creating and the Genres of Transmutation

Chapter 4. How to Charge a Voice with Power? Transmuting Non-Human Creativity into Vocal Creations in the Western Amazon
Bernd Brabec

Chapter 5. From the Songs without Names to the Stories inside a Name: On the Poetic Creation of Normativity among the Ayoreo from the Northern Paraguayan Chaco
Alfonso Otaegui

Chapter 6. The Chant-Owner and His Music: Musical Creativity and Verbal Artistry in the Ritual Life of an Amazonian Community
Jonathan D. Hil

Chapter 7. How to Transform the World(s): Generating Transactive Timescapes through Myths, Songs, and Magic Formulas in the Guianas
Matthias Lewy

Part III. Creativity and Shifting the Context of Signification

Chapter 8. Basketry, Mythology, and Shamanism in the Amerindian Cultures of Venezuela: An Ancestral “Art” Facing Innovation
Marie Claude Mattei Muller

Chapter 9. Yurupari’s Disappearance: Women’s Laughter and Organology without Musical Instruments in Vaupés
Juan Carlos Castrillón Vallejo

Ernst Halbmayer and Anne Goletz


Creation and Creativity in Indigenous Lowland South America

Anthropological Perspectives

Edited by Ernst Halbmayer and Anne Goletz

290 pages, 29 illus, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80539-006-0 Hb Published (June 2023)

eISBN 978-1-80539-007-7 eBook