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Nataša Gregorič Bon and Jaka Repič
Chapter 1. The (Im)Mobility of Merantau as a Sociocultural Practice in Indonesia
Noel B. Salazar
Chapter 2. Away, Within and Forward: Wayfaring towards Better Lives
Aija Lulle
Chapter 3. Rooting Routes: (Non)Movements in Southern Albania
Nataša Gregorič Bon
Chapter 4. Tracing Roots: Slovenian Diaspora in Argentina and Return Mobilities
Jaka Repič
Chapter 5. Festival Organisers as Locals-Cosmopolitans: Triggering Movement toward and within Home Place
Miha Kozorog
Chapter 6. Relational Centers in the Amazonian Landscape of Movement
Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen
Chapter 7. Displaced in the Native City: Movement and Locality in Post-War Sarajevo
Zaira Lofranco
Chapter 8. From a Tent to a House, from Nomads to Settlers: Constructions of Space and Place through Romany Narratives
Alenka Janko Spreizer
Chapter 9. Movement versus Roots? Ivory Coast – from Transnational Brotherhood to Autochthony
Thomas Fillitz
Sarah Green
Moving Places
Relations, Return and Belonging
Edited by Nataša Gregorič Bon and Jaka Repič
240 pages, 6 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-242-5 Hb Published (September 2016)
eISBN 978-1-78533-243-2 eBook