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Paul Collinson, Iain Young, Lucy Antal and Helen Macbeth
Introduction: Food and Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century
Paul Collinson, Iain Young, Lucy Antal and Helen Macbeth
Chapter 1. Towards a Cross-disciplinary Approach to Food and Sustainability in the Twenty-first Century
Paul Collinson, Iain Young, Lucy Antal and Helen Macbeth
Chapter 2. Food Insecurity and Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa
Paul Collinson
Chapter 3. From Healthy to Sustainable: Transforming the Concept of the Mediterranean Diet from Health to Sustainability through Culture
F. Xavier Medina
Chapter 4. Cultures of Sustainability in the Anthropocene: Understanding Organic Food in Palermo
Giovanni Orlando
Chapter 5. Wild Phytogenetic Resources for Food in the Barranca del Rίo Santiago, Mexico: A First Approach to Sustainability
Martín Tena Meza, Rafael M. Navarro-Cerrillo, Ricardo Ávila Palafox, Raymundo Villavicencio García
Chapter 6. Farm Urban and Urban Aquaponics: Changing Perceptions in Classrooms and Communities
Iain Young
Chapter 7. ‘Dig for Sustainability’ in the Twenty-first Century: Allotments, Gardens and Television
Helen Macbeth
Chapter 8. Food and Sustainability in the Twenty-first Century: How Places in the UK are Working to Meet This Challenge
Lucy Antal
Chapter 9. Food and the Problem of Uncertainty – Refugees and the Sense of Sustainability: The Case of Karen Farmers Returning to Their Villages From Refugee Camps Along the Thai Burmese Border
Peter Kaiser
Chapter 10. In Praise of a Fermented Bread: An Ethiopian Recipe for Frugal Sustainability
Valentina Peveri
Chapter 11. The Indian ‘Meat Dilemma’: Malnutrition, Social Hierarchy and Ecological Sustainability
Michaël Bruckert
Chapter 12. Eating Outside the Home: Food Practices as a Consequence of Economic Crisis in Spain
Maria Gracia-Arnaiz
Chapter 13. First Steps in Developing a Food Waste Management Strategy in a UK Higher Education Institution: The University of Liverpool Case Study
Nick Doran and Iain Young
Chapter 14. The Demand for Sustainable Ways of Dealing with Waste from Agriculture and Aquaculture
Iain Young
Food and Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
Edited by Paul Collinson, Iain Young, Lucy Antal, and Helen Macbeth
238 pages, 21 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78920-237-3 Hb Published (June 2019)
eISBN 978-1-78920-238-0 eBook