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Paul Collinson and Helen Macbeth
Introduction: Pure Food: Theoretical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Paul Collinson and Helen Macbeth
Chapter 1. The Impurities of Purity
Jeremy MacClancy
Chapter 2. ‘Pure’ Food and Food Taboos in Cross-Cultural and Human Ethological Perspective
Wulf Schiefenhövel
Chapter 3. Food and Order: Purity, Danger and the Bayesian Brain
Mark Carter
Chapter 4. From Concepts of Pure Food to a Healthy Diet in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Amalia Lejavitzer
Chapter 5. Eating Pure: Ethnography and Food in ‘Fitness Cultures’
Lorenzo Mariano and F. Xavier Medina
Chapter 6. ‘Pure Food’ in Catering for Public Institutions: Policies and Aspirations: The City of Liverpool, England
Lucy Antal
Chapter 7. Blood Used in Food: When, Where and Why Not?
Gabriel J. Saucedo Arteaga,Claudia A. Flores Mercado and Paul Collinson
Chapter 8. Pure Food, Food Tourism and the Mythologising of Western Ireland
Paul Collinson
Chapter 9. Bioethics and Pure Food: The Consumers’ Dilemma in West Mexico
Daria Deraga
Chapter 10. The Label, ‘Organic’, as a Representation of Food Purity: A Study of an Organic Beef Farm in Oxfordshire, England
Helen Macbeth
Epilogue: From Pure Food to Purification: A Review of Perspectives
Helen Macbeth and Paul Collinson
Pure Food
Theoretical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Edited by Paul Collinson and Helen Macbeth
230 pages, 10 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80539-018-3 Hb Published (July 2023)
eISBN 978-1-80539-019-0 eBook