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Foreword: Culturing Emergent Bodies
Rosemary Joyce
Introduction: Towards a Culturing of the Paleolithic Body
April Nowell and Benjamin Collins
Chapter 1. Enveloping Oneself in Others: Semiotic, Spatial, and Temporal Dimensions of Ostrich Eggshell Bead Use in Southern Africa
Peter J. Mitchell and Brian A. Stewart
Chapter 2. Manufacturing Social Landscapes: Bead Production, Exchange, and Social Connections at Grassridge Rockshelter, South Africa
Benjamin Collins, Amy Hatton, April Nowell, and Christopher J. H. Ames
Chapter 3. Perspectives on Stone Age Sociality: A New Role for Ostrich Eggshell Beads
Jennifer M. Miller
Chapter 4. A Shell Bead from a Faraway Ocean: Significance Assessment of a Single Indigenous Ornament from Southern Australia
Keryn Walshe
Chapter 5. Building identities and social organization throughout the Early Holocene: Interpreting the personal adornments of the last hunter-gatherers in Portugal
Lino André
Chapter 6. Beads on the edge of the world: Atlantic identity and sociality during the Upper Paleolithic of western Iberia
Nuno Bicho and Lino André
Chapter 7. Constructing Identity: Body decoration and modification in the Swabian Aurignacian
Ewa Dutkiewicz, Sibylle Wolf, Elizabeth C. Velliky, and Nicholas J. Conard
Chapter 8. What’s in a color? Ochre use in the Middle Stone Age of Southern Africa
Tammy Hodgskiss
Chapter 9. The Best Dressed Hominin: Clothing, tanning and textile production in the Paleolithic
April Nowell and Aurora Skala
Conclusion: Culturing Bodies in the Past: Similarities Across Diversity
Benjamin Collins and April Nowell
Culturing the Body
Past Perspectives on Identity and Sociality
Edited by Benjamin Collins and April Nowell
Foreword by Rosemary Joyce
326 pages, 65 ills., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80539-460-0 Hb Published (March 2024)
eISBN 978-1-80539-461-7 eBook