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List of Illustrations
Chapter 1. Methodology and Ethics
Chapter 2. The Waterways: A Historical and Legal Framework
Chapter 3. Becoming a Boater: Developing Skills Within a Community of Practice
Chapter 4. Dwelling and Temporality
Chapter 5. Economic, Livelihood and Consumption
Chapter 6. Community
Chapter 7. ‘A Very English Kind of Anarchism’: Boaters as Citizens Within the State
Chapter 8. Surveillance and Security
Chapter 9. Political (Dis)Organisation
Conclusion: Messing about in Boats
Glossary and Acronyms
Boaters of London
Alternative Living on the Water
Benjamin O.L. Bowles
302 pages, 9 ills., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80539-494-5 Hb Published (May 2024)
eISBN 978-1-80539-495-2 eBook