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Chapter 1. Introduction
: Anthropology and Public Service
Jeremy MacClancy

Chapter 2. On Her Majesty’s Service (and Beyond): Anthropology’s Contribution to an Unconventional Career
Mils Hills

Chapter 3. You Can’t Go Home Again: Anthropology Displacement and the Work of Government
Benjamin R. Smith

Chapter 4. Anthropology in the Closet: Contributions to Community Development and Local Government in the UK
Robert Gregory

Chapter 5. Parading through the Peace Process: Anthropology, Governance and Crisis in Northern Ireland
Dominic Bryan and Neil Jarman

Chapter 6. From Participant Observer to Observed Participant: a Prison Governor’s Experience
Peter Bennett

Chapter 7. Identity and Appropriation in Applied Health Research
Rachael Gooberman-Hill


Anthropology and Public Service

The UK Experience

Edited by Jeremy MacClancy

202 pages, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78533-402-3 Hb Published (February 2017)

eISBN 978-1-78533-403-0 eBook