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List of Figures

James Leach


Introduction: Altering Ownership in Amazonia
Marc Brightman, Carlos Fausto and Vanessa Grotti

Chapter 1. Masters, Slaves, and Real People: Native Understandings of Ownership and Humanness in Tropical American Capturing Societies
Fernando Santos-Granero

Chapter 2. First Contacts, Slavery and Kinship in Northeastern Amazonia
Vanessa Grotti and Marc Brightman
This chapter is open access under a Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY)

Chapter 3. Fabricating Necessity: Feeding and Commensality in Western Amazonia
Luiz Costa

Chapter 4. Parasitism and Subjection: Modes of Paumari Predation
Oiara Bonilla

Chapter 5. How Much for a Song? The Culture of Calculation and the Calculation of Culture
Carlos Fausto

Chapter 6. The Forgotten Pattern and the Stolen Design: Contract, Exchange and Creativity Among the Kĩsêdjê
Marcela Stockler Coelho de Souza

Chapter 7. Doubles and Owners: Relations of Knowledge, Property and Authorship Among the Marubo
Pedro de Niemeyer Cesarino

Chapter 8. Ownership and Wellbeing Among the Mebêngôkre-Xikrin: Differentiation and Ritual Crisis
Cesar Gordon

Chapter 9. Temporalities of Ownership: Land Possession and its Transformations Among the Tupinambá (Bahia, Brazil)
Susana de Matos Viegas


Ownership and Nurture

Studies in Native Amazonian Property Relations

Edited by Marc Brightman, Carlos Fausto, and Vanessa Grotti
Foreword by James Leach

284 pages, 21 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78533-083-4 Hb Published (May 2016)

eISBN 978-1-78533-084-1 eBook