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Introduction: The Productive Potential of Moral Failure in Lived Islam and Christianity
David Kloos and Daan Beekers

Chapter 1. In What Does Failure Succeed? Conceptions of Sin and the Role of Human Moral Vulnerability in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity
Joel Robbins and Leanne Williams Green

Chapter 2. “I’m a Weak Servant”: The Question of Sincerity and the Cultivation of Weakness in the Lives of Dutch Salafi Muslims
Martijn de Koning

Chapter 3. Success, Risk and Failure: The Brazilian Prosperity Gospel in Mozambique
Linda van de Kamp

Chapter 4. Fitting God in: Secular Routines, Prayer and Deceleration among Young Dutch Muslims and Christians
Daan Beekers

Chapter 5. The Ethics of Not-Praying: Religious Negligence, Life Phase and Social Status in Aceh, Indonesia
David Kloos

Chapter 6. Moral Failure, Everyday Religion and Islamic Authorization
Thijl Sunier

Epilogue: Religion, Lived Religion and the ‘Authenticity’ of Failure
Mattijs van de Port


Straying from the Straight Path

How Senses of Failure Invigorate Lived Religion

Edited by Daan Beekers and David Kloos

146 pages, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78533-713-0 Hb Published (October 2017)

eISBN 978-1-78533-714-7 eBook